Christians should gather together as
churches and the New Testament tells us how to do it. It is better to
follow God's Word than ancient tradition or modern fashion.
In this booklet Gertrud Harlow explains the
New Testament church principles which relate to women, their special
privileges and responsibilities. Women and girls who love their Lord
will try to please Him in small matters as well as large.
you glad you're a woman? I am! I'm glad because
it gives me wonderful opportunities to glorify the Lord in my everyday
life and in the church. I thank the Lord for the challenge and so
should you. In this little booklet let us
consider how this works out in our lives as members of the body of
Christ and of a local assembly. Doubtless it will not answer all the
detailed questions that are often asked on the subject. We trust
however that it will be positive and helpful, relating everything to
Christ's great love for us and our resulting love to Him, a love that
makes us want to obey His commands.
What is the Church in
Scripture? In Colossians 1.24 it is called Christ's body, the body of
which He is the Head. Our human bodies have many different members
- arms, feet, hair, liver, tongue, and many more. Each of these
members has a specific job to do which helps all the other members of
the body. All these members get their directions from the head, the
brain, and the body will be strong if they all do their work well.
The same is true of the Church, Christ's
spiritual body. Every true believer in Christ is a member of that
body, 1 Corinthians 12.13,14. The Lord has given to each one a certain
gift or gifts as it has pleased Him to help the whole body, 1 Cor.
12.18; Rom. 12.5-13. The gifts of some are more noticeable to our
human eyes, but all are necessary and in Gods eyes all are important,
1 Cor. 12.22-27. Christ Himself is the Head of this body, the Church,
and in some wonderful way which we cannot understand the Church is the
fullness of Christ who fills everything in every way, Eph. 1.22,23.
In the beginning
At the very beginning of human life
on earth God made Adam, then Eve to be a helper to Adam. In Ephesians
5 we see that God wants the man to be the head of his wife as Christ
is the Head of the Church. What a beautiful picture! The Church counts
it a joy and an honour to be subject to Christ her Lord. A Christian
wife feels the same way toward her husband who loves her as Christ
loves the Church.
God’s order ...
These things show us that in God’s plan some are to be leaders and
other followers. God gives authority to some and wants others to be
subject to them. This does not mean that those in authority are
superior or more important than those they lead. In Christ all are
equal in God’s sight, Gal.3.28, but as far as life on this earth is
concerned, some have authority and others are under those who have
that authority.
In the Church it has pleased God to give this
authority and responsibility of leadership to the men and He has given
the women the equally important task of being subject to that
leadership. This has nothing to do with superiority or inferiority as
far as men and women are concerned. Nor does it have anything to do
with greater or lesser ability, all of which is God-given. It is the
order which God in His infinite wisdom has set up. We humans cannot
always understand what God does or why He does it that way. His
thoughts and ways are different from ours (Isa. 55.8,9), but we know
they are good and we gladly accept them because we know He loves us.
Prepared by God
God has prepared both men and women
in a special way for their positions. The men preach, teach and pray
publicly in the church. They are responsible before the Lord to see
that the affairs of the church are taken care of in an orderly way.
The older more experienced ones are responsible to shepherd the
younger ones and to feed all the Christians with the Word of God so
they will grow in the Lord. They have many responsibilities which are
outlined clearly in the Scriptures. Our risen Lord has given us
women also great responsibilities to strengthen the body of Christ.
May we with His help discover what they are and play our part for His
glory and the well-being of the whole body!
Let us
consider what we learn from some of the godly women in Bible times.
knew how to pray, 1 Sam. 1.10,11. Do you? If you do, you can be a
tremendous blessing in your assembly. It is the most important thing
you can do. There will be blessing only in answer to prayer. And how
many things there are to pray for! We'll mention just a few:
The gospel outreach of your assembly.
New believers, that they might grow in the Lord.
Sunday school - teachers and pupils.
The young people, by name, that they might go on with the Lord
and become exercised about His service.
Those who have been commended by your assembly to full time
service for the Lord.
The elders as they look after the affairs of the assembly.
Those who preach and teach in the assembly.
For all the people in your assembly, a few each day as listed in
your assembly's address book. Pray especially for those who rub you
the wrong way!
In Old Testament times some of
the women made things for the Tabernacle, Ex.35.25,26. There are many
things we can and should do to help things run smoothly, such as:
help in providing food for times of fellowship and assembly
help in serving and cleaning up.
look after kitchen and washroom supplies.
make curtains, table cloths or whatever else might be needed for
the building.
take a turn at looking after the nursery during services (those
who are good with children).
water the plants.
No matter how small
and insignificant the job may appear to be, remember that He [she]
that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much,
‘‘Lk. 16. 10, and the Lord will reward faithful service, Mt.25.21.
In Japan people take off their shoes and put on the
slippers provided when they enter a Christian meeting place. The
shoes are left in the entry hall facing into the building just as
the wearer left them. However when the service is over and the
people get ready to leave they will find that someone has
thoughtfully turned all the shoes to face in the opposite direction,
toward the door, so that now their owners can slip into them easily
and leave more quickly, thus relieving the congestion in the entry
hail. A small, unimportant job? Not really ... this
“shoe-turner-around” is serving the whole church!
Jochebed faithfully taught her
little boy Moses about the true God so that he continued to follow the
Lord even when as a child he left home to live in Pharaoh's heathen
palace. Eunice did the same and her son Timothy became a faithful
servant of God, 2 Tim. 1.5; 3.15. True, these women taught their own
children, and so should we, but there is no reason why we should not
include other children, especially those who have no Christian
parents. The Lord Jesus loves the children and wants them to come to
Him, Lk. 18.15-17.
Miriam was a leader among the
women and directed their praise and worship, Ex. 15.21. In Titus 2.3-5
the older women are told to teach and be an example to the younger
women. We too can, and should, encourage one another to praise and
worship the Lord as we meet together with other women and try to help
one another with the Word of God, Col.3.16. There is no command in
Scripture that women should or should not meet together by themselves,
but the positive values of such gatherings would seem to be obvious.
Women with hearts full of praise and worship to the Lord have an
influence on the whole assembly. This influence is felt also in the
worship service when all the Christians gather to remember the Lord
even though the women themselves do not take part audibly.
In addition we should reach out to the women in
our neighborhoods and seek to draw them to the Lord through personal
witness, coffee hours etc.
the woman of Shunem comes to mind, 2 Ki.4.8-10. She made God’s prophet
Elijah most welcome and comfortable. Romans 12.13 tells us we should
practise hospitality. So does Hebrews 13.2 which no doubt refers to
Abraham, Gen. 18. Entertaining the Lord's servants requires effort and
time and money, but Peter, inspired by the Holy Spirit, tells us to do
it without grumbling, 1 Pet.4.9. Entertaining
can be a means of reaching the unsaved. I know a couple whose dinner
table is surrounded every Sunday by ten to twenty students from a
near-by university. Among them are Hindus, Moslems, atheists. All are
welcome. All feel at home and come back whenever they can. What a
tremendous opportunity! Others to whom we can show hospitality
Visitors from out of town.
Young people pursuing their education or working while away from
That man or woman who recently lost a spouse.
That quiet, lonely person who seems to find it hard to mix with
That person who seems to have some problem.
Elderly people who often feel very much alone and unwanted
By this means we can show people the love
of God and minister to both their physical and spiritual needs.
virtuous woman in Proverbs 31 was kind to the poor and needy, v.20. So
was Dorcas, Acts 9.36. Phoebe was a servant of the church in
Cenchrea and a help to many people, Rom. 16.1,2. We too should do
good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of
God, that is, all true believers, Gal.6.10. For example:
Perhaps a mother in the assembly has to go to hospital leaving
her husband and several children to cope for themselves. We can help
a family like this with meals, washing etc.
We can do grocery shopping for the elderly in the assembly,
especially during the winter.
We can pick them up with the car and bring them to the meetings.
We can visit those who are ill. If they are at home we can help
by tidying the house, doing the washing etc.
We should remember believers who belong to churches in
materially less privileged countries and help them with parcels of
food and clothing.
Deborah was a prophetess and a judge in Israel. She encouraged Barak
to lead the people of Israel in their fight against their enemies,
Judges 4.
We can be an encouragement to our brethren,
especially to the younger ones. How? By a word of appreciation for
what they are doing, by telling them we stand with them in prayer as
they preach or minister the Word or make difficult decisions regarding
problems in the assembly. You see there are many things a sister
can do in her desire to serve the Lord. It is more than just possible
that she can do most of these things better than the average brother.
Now we would like to
consider our part as women when the assembly meets together to worship
and remember the Lord and for prayer and Bible study, as well as
preaching the Gospel.
As mentioned before, it is God’s will for the men to take the
leadership in these services. They are the ones responsible to express
audibly the worship and praise of all present and to teach the Word
and lead in prayer. What part do the women have in these services?
They can participate audibly in the singing but otherwise their part
is to worship and pray silently. Read carefully 1 Corinthians 14.34
and 1 Timothy 2. 11. 1 consider these commands a challenge rather than
something to be resented. Why a challenge? Because it is so easy just
to sit back and listen to the men. It requires exercise and effort to
preach and teach and lead in prayer. It is what the men are expected
to do and so they do it. There is a reward people hear them, express
appreciation for the ministry etc. It requires considerably more
exercise and concentration to worship and pray silently seeing no one
knows what is really going on in your heart and mind as you sit there.
But Someone does know - the Lord Himself, and He is well pleased when
He sees us doing what He has requested us to do. Even though a woman
worships silently her worship is just as precious to the Lord as that
which is expressed audibly. Remember that He gave the most exalted
teaching about worship to a woman, John 4.2 1-24; and He said about
the act of worship of another woman that it would be told all over the
world where the gospel would be preached, Mt.26.6-13.
Some women resent the command to remain silent
in the assembly meetings and think that it indicates they are
considered inferior to the men. They believe they can preach and teach
just as well as the men, if not better. Perhaps they can - but why
should they want to when God has shown in His Word that this is
contrary to His will? Is this desire to take a public place caused by
pride, perhaps unknown to themselves? Is it because they want to be
seen and noticed, to show that they can do it just as well as the men?
If so, would their ministry really glorify the Lord? It is true that
God in His grace has blessed the preaching of some women to mixed
groups and it is not up to us to judge them. None of us is perfect and
we are just so thankful that the Lord is willing to use us in spite of
all our imperfections! Yet how much better it would be to pray, “Lord,
I do not understand the reason for this command but I trust in your
great wisdom and will obey it just because I love you and want to
please you." Actually you and I can have a very
definite part in the preaching and teaching given in the assembly
without opening our mouths. How is that possible? Through prayer. Ours
is the responsibility to pray that the Lord might guide the preachers
and teachers of the Word as they prepare their messages and as they
give them to the people. We should also pray that the Holy Spirit will
apply the Word of God to the hearts of the listeners. Without prayer
there will be no blessing, no fruit, so those who uphold the speakers
in prayer have as great a responsibility as those who do the actual
preaching. Perhaps you are married. To some extent the part your
husband plays in the assembly and how well he plays it depends on you,
his wife. Yes, on YOU. What kind of wife are you to your husband? One
that is a help to him spiritually and stands with him in prayer? Do
you encourage him to live for God by the example of your own devotion
to the Lord? Or are you a hindrance to him, confining the things of
the Lord to Sunday but living for the world and your own pleasure the
rest of the week? Yes, the woman is silent in the assembly meetings,
but just the same her influence in the assembly is great, for good -
or for evil! Another of our responsibilities in
assembly gatherings is greeting visitors, especially after the gospel
service. We should make them feel welcome and at home, and invite them
to come back again. I know of two ladies in a large assembly who
regularly sit at the back during the gospel service so that they can
readily spot any visitors and greet them afterwards. This is very
important. How many unsaved people have never come back to your
assembly because no one showed an interest in them?
We might think of the Christians in an assembly
as a team with various important responsibilities, all working
together for the glory of the Lord and the blessing of others.
The question will arise if a woman can take
part audibly in gatherings of Christians which are not official
meetings of the assembly. Can she ask questions, make comments etc.?
What about informal Bible studies in a home, at a camp and other such
meetings? Can a lady missionary give a report of her work to the
assembly? Which gatherings are considered meetings of the assembly and
which are not? There are differences of opinion about these matters.
It will help us remember these two things:
The Scriptures forbid us to do anything that would indicate
having authority over our brothers in the Lord, 1 Tim. 2.12.
We should be subject to the wishes of the elders of our assembly
who are over us in the Lord, not grumblingly or critically but
happily, as unto the Lord, even when we do not agree with their
decisions. This will make for harmony and happy fellowship and will
be glorifying to our Saviour.
Important teaching about the
gatherings of the church is given in 1 Corinthians 11, see verses 17,
18, 20,33,34. In this chapter we read about three symbols: the head,
the bread and the wine. Each time we gather as an assembly to remember
the Lord we partake of the bread and the wine, symbols of Christ's
body that was broken and His blood that was shed for us. The Lord
Jesus Himself instituted this gathering and requested that we do this
to remember Him and His death for us on the cross - until He comes to
take us home to be with Himself. The third symbol in this chapter, the
head, covered and uncovered, is an equally important symbol.
Why should a man worship and pray in the
assembly with his head uncovered while the woman should cover hers? It
is to illustrate the matter of headship. In verse 3 we see that
Christ is the head of every man.
The man is the head of the woman.
The head of Christ is God.
The Scriptures teach very plainly that the
Lord Jesus is equal to God, see John 5.18 and Philippians 2.6. Yet we
read that the head of Christ is God. We see therefore that headship
has nothing to do with inequality either with respect to Christ and
God, or woman and man. It has to do with the way it pleased God to
arrange things. Verse 4 shows that a man
praying with his head covered dishonours his head. What head? Not his
own physical head, but the Lord Jesus Christ. Why? Because the man is
the image and glory of God, v.7. The man should therefore not cover
his head when he teaches God’s Word in the church or when he leads in
prayer or worship because God’s glory must not be hidden.
In verse 5 we see that the woman praying
or prophesying without a covering dishonours her head, that is, the
man. The reason for this is given at the end of verse 7: the woman is
the glory of the man. Man's glory should be covered or hidden because
only God’s glory should be seen in the church. It is a shame for the
man if his glory (the woman) is not covered. The word used in Greek
for “dishonour” is a strong word which really means to thoroughly put
to shame. Therefore when a man appears with his head covered, or a
woman with her head uncovered, they are denying (though
unintentionally) that Christ is the head of the man and keeping Him
from receiving the honour that is His due.
Verse 10 calls the head covering of the woman a “sign of authority.”
When the woman wears it she shows that she is under authority to the
man. It means that she submits to his leadership. This is the order
God established here on earth: the woman is subject to the man as he
is the representative of Christ, and the man is subject to Christ.
Why should the woman have this sign of
authority on her head? Not because there are men present, but because
of the angels, v.10. How does the woman's head covering affect the
angels, you ask? In Ephesians 3.10 we see that God is using the Church
as a symbol or object lesson to show His great wisdom to the angelic
beings, both good and evil in the heavenly realm. Here in 1
Corinthians 11 He wants to use individuals, the man (uncovered) and
the woman (covered), to teach the same beings about headship,
authority and submission. The woman covering her head in the assembly
gatherings “becomes to the angels an object lesson of submission to
divine headship. What a rebuke she is to the wicked angels! Their sin
is that of rebelling against divine authority. What a delight to the
obedient angels, as they see also the man's head uncovered portraying
the unshielded glory of God and His accepted authority!” ("The Head
Covering’’ by J. Boyd Nicholson) Some say that
the woman's hair is given her in place of a covering, v.15, but when
you read this verse together with verse 5 you will see that this is
not so. If the hair were the required covering, verse 5 would read:
“Every woman that prayeth or prophesieth without hair on her head...”
Again in verse 6 we read that if she is not covered she should have
her hair cut off. If the hair was the covering, “not covered” would
have to mean, she has no hair. In that case the hair could not be cut
off! Others say that they have searched the
Scriptures themselves on the subject of the head covering and have
come to the conclusion that there is no need to wear one except at the
meeting for the remembrance of our Lord, and some not even then! No
doubt they sincerely feel this way, but in actual fact they are saying
that they have a deeper understanding of the Scripture than many of
their brothers in the Lord who are their seniors in the Christian life
and in the study of the Word of God and who feel differently about the
subject. Of course you and I are entitled to our own opinion, but
personally I would hesitate to act on that opinion if it does not
agree with that of those whom God has put over me, those who are
responsible to the Lord for me, Heb. 13.17. You
say it would be hypocritical to wear a head covering just to please
men. Yes, indeed it would be if you do it with that motive. But it
will please the Lord if you do it because you want to obey His command
to be subject to your elders even when it goes against your own
wishes. Do you love the Lord enough to do that? Of course it would be
still better if you do it because you understand the meaning of this
act and do not wish to detract in any way from Christ's glory when you
meet together with other Christians. In verse
15 we read that long hair is a glory for the woman. We do not read how
long but it should be longer than that of the man for whom it is a
disgrace to have long hair, v.14. A woman's hair is by nature longer
than a man's. By keeping it so, she shows that she accepts what God
wants her to be rather than trying to be like a man.
As you read the first part of 1 Corinthians 11
again carefully you will notice that the woman has two glories. In
verse 7 we see that she is the glory of the man, and in verse 15 that
her long hair is her glory. For both she should be covered so that
only the glory of God will be manifest. How
large should the head covering be? No measurements are given but it
would seem obvious that a little bow or an almost invisible net does
not really cover the head. These things add to the appearance of the
hair (the glory) rather than covering it. Nor is an expensive hat
indicated which again only attracts attention to the wearer. A veil
(mantilla) or scarf would certainly be in order.
How old does a girl need to be before she
should cover her head? Similarly, you could ask how old should a boy
be before he does not cover his head. Every girl who has accepted the
Lord as her Saviour, no matter how young, will want to show her love
to Him by obeying this command.
When should a girl or woman cover her head? I
In the church gatherings.
Whenever she leads other women in prayer or in the study of the
Whenever she is not sure - because she will not wish to risk
grieving her Lord who has done so much for her.
So the command to cover our heads
presents us women and girls with another opportunity to please and
glorify the Lord. It is such an easy thing for us to do and requires
no outlay in time or money or strength. All we need is a veil or scarf
folded up in our handbag ready for use when indicated.
However this command should not be taken
lightly. “When we know that godly Moses suffered a soul-grieving loss
as a result of spoiling a type of the glorified Lord when he struck
the rock twice it should make us all tremble lest we too should be
guilty of presenting to the eyes of believers, unbelievers and the
watching spirit world, a distorted picture of our beloved Lord, His
authority and glory.” (‘‘The Head Covering’’ by J. Boyd Nicholson)
Some will say that the condition of the heart
is more important than the outward appearance. A woman may cover her
head and be proud of it and yet be cold in heart and disobedient to
the Lord in other ways. On the other hand a girl or woman may really
love the Lord and serve Him faithfully and effectively and yet not
cover her head in the assembly meetings because she has not been
taught the meaning of this practice. However when the matter is
explained to her and she begins to realize the importance of this
command she will want to obey it if she really desires to please the
Lord in all things. Finally let me say that the
head covering for the women of groups of Christians whom others call
“brethren” is not just an arbitrary custom, a way for the elders to
show their authority. Nothing could be further from the truth. It has
a beautiful meaning and is just as important as the symbols of the
bread and the cup of the Lord's Supper.
In conclusion we might
compare God’s family, the Church, to a human family. In the latter the
husband has certain functions and responsibilities and the wife has
others. Both are equally important and equally needed and neither can
fully take the place of the other. What a gap there is in a family
where either father or mother is missing! In
the same way both men and women are needed in God’s family, the
Church. The men have certain abilities and responsibilities and the
women have others. Both groups are essential; happy indeed is the
assembly where each group fulfills their God-appointed tasks for which
He has especially fitted them. In the home the
wife is very happy to leave to her husband such jobs as repairing the
leaking roof or the dripping faucet. Why then should she want to take
on in the assembly the tasks and responsibilities which God has given
to the men? When the Lord Jesus Christ was here
on earth, He always did what He knew would please His Father, John
8.29, and His Father's will was His first consideration, Luke 22.42.
Centuries before this, Samuel told Saul that ‘To obey is better than
sacrifice,” 1 Sam. 15.22. The same is true today. We talk of serving
the Lord in some wonderful sacrificial way, and yet sometimes we are
unwilling to obey Him in what humanly seems small and easy and
unimportant. Let us remember that whatever God has commanded is
important and that He wants our loving obedience more than anything
else. Do you love the Lord? Then He is saying to you:
"If you love me, you will do what I command,”
John 14.15
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