[Meeting] meeting: Asssembly News 30 September 2004

Jones, Rob (SF02) rob.jones at honeywell.com
Fri Oct 1 07:12:22 SAST 2004

> ----------
> From: 	owner-meeting at kent.net on behalf of Jones, Rob
> Sent: 	Friday, October 01, 2004 7:12:22 AM
> To: 	meeting at kent.net
> Subject: 	meeting: Asssembly News 30 September 2004
> Auto forwarded by a Rule
Posted: 30 Sep 2004 12:59 pm Post subject: 30 September 2004 




Ruth Hadley seeks prayer for a ladies camp which is due to be held
during September. It is anticipated that between 350 to 800 ladies will
attend. Please pray for those who will be responsible for the Bible
teaching, as well as those from the villages who will be coming in for
the studies. 13/09 


Stephen and Gail Harper advise that they have been requested to commence
a series of meetings in the nearby township of Chinamwali. At this stage
they are prayerfully considering this request and ask that we pray that
the Lord will clearly guide them in this matter. 27/09 


Christine Hallett advises that she is due to speak on the book of Esther
at a Ladies retreat from 1 to 3 October. This is her first public
speaking engagement for a year and also since her husband Arthur was
called home to be with the Lord at the end of July. Please pray that she
will be helped in this, and that the Lord will use her for the
encouragement and blessing of those who attend the conference. 27/09
Rodney and Joy Brown advise that Rodney will be visiting the Venda area,
and another area bordering the Kruger National park, from 23 September
to 11 October. He will be participating in a series of gospel meetings
in both areas. Please pray for safety of travel, spiritual freshness,
and that lives will be touched by the gospel. 20/09 


Ron and Maria Cunningham advise of an encouraging time during a recent
gospel campaign at Sambari. They report that several came to faith in
Christ, and three have subsequently been baptised. Please pray that
these young believers will grow in the things of the Lord. 13/09
William and Eunice Rea seek continuing prayer for their language study.
They are making steady progress with their Kiswahili study, please pray
that this will continue. They have completed half of the course and are
beginning to think about their accommodation needs in Moshi once the
course has finished. Please pray that the Lord will clearly guide them
in this matter. 13/09 


John and Becky Wright are due to leave the UK on 4 October. They are due
to work at Amano School and possibly at other locations in Zambia, and
are due to return to the UK on 15 March. Please pray that they will have
a safe flight and that they will quickly settle into their respective
roles. 27/09  Emily Rowntree and Eva Warke are schedule to return to
Zambia on 20 September. Please pray for a safe flight and that they will
quickly settle back into their roles at Kayombo. 20/09  Rod and Marja
Boatman advise that Marja's puppetry team is to present a story for
national TV on 1 October. In addition the whole team are due to travel
to Nyangombe during the autumn holidays to lead a Sunday school
teacher's seminar. Please pray that the Lord will bless both these
opportunities to share the gospel through using this means. 20/09


Rob Jones 

S.A. Bible Believer 

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