[Meeting] meeting: RGM Prayer List 4th October 2004

Jones, Rob (SF02) rob.jones at honeywell.com
Tue Oct 5 07:12:29 SAST 2004

> ----------
> From: 	owner-meeting at kent.net on behalf of Jones, Rob (SF02)[SMTP:ROB.JONES at HONEYWELL.COM]
> Sent: 	Tuesday, October 05, 2004 7:12:29 AM
> To: 	meeting at kent.net
> Subject: 	meeting:  RGM Prayer List 4th October 2004
> Auto forwarded by a Rule
4th October 2004
If further information is required please contact us at rgm at rgm.org.za
Please remember to pass these prayer items on to others in your assembly.

1) Bert and Jo Banzhaf (Lilburn, Georgia, USA)
2) Karl and Glynn Peterson (Barberton, SA)
3) Sandy Gammon (Beautiful Gates Orphanage, Cape Town, WP, SA)
4) Pan African Brethren Conference on Missions (Johannesburg, Gauteng, SA)
5) Jonathan and Ruth Newell (Blantyre, Malawi)
6) Fred and Jenny Kosin (USA, Itinerant)

1) Bert and Jo Banzhaf

"I am working our way through the book of Romans with a disciple. It will
require at least an hour's work each day, we will report back to each other
once a week. He sharpens and challenges me every time we meet to study!"
Please pray for his spiritual progress.

2) Karl and Glynn Peterson

Karl has just returned from Beira, Mozambique where he gave two Bible
studies at a church conference.  It was also an opportunity to hear what is
going on in various parts of the country through the reports which were
read.  Please pray for the work in Mozambique.

3) Sandy Gammon

"There are 2 couples going to work at Chitokoloki Mission Hospital (Zambia)
in September, the Baileys from Canada and Philip and Helen from Northern
Ireland, please pray for them.  I've heard that the gospel meetings we
started with our Bible study group are continuing."

4) Pan African Brethren Conference on Missions (8th - 12th November, 2004)

Please pray for the speakers at the Conference - Dr. Ian Burness (Echoes,
UK), Felix Muchimba (Zambia), Dr. Peter Coates (UK/DR Congo), Martin Solomon
(Zambia) Peter Andrews (UK/Rwanda) and Coen Scholtz.

5) Jonathan and Ruth Newell

"When Jonathan visited the church at Gaga, the leaders complained that a
local church had taken away their younger men by offering gifts of food.  It
is always hard to get to the bottom of such stories.  Please pray for this

6) Fred and Jenny Kosin

"We have joined the ship LogosII for a two month period of ministry.  We
covet your prayers for the many ministries ahead of us both. We have not
been given the topics or specific responsibilities for this time. We need to
be sensitive to the Lord and to the needs of the folk around us."

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