[Meeting] Re: meeting: Pan African Brethren Conference on Missions (8th - 12th Nov)

Phil Nickerson nicke at ns.sympatico.ca
Wed Oct 27 22:18:37 SAST 2004

> ----------
> From: 	owner-meeting at kent.net on behalf of Phil Nickerson[SMTP:NICKE at NS.SYMPATICO.CA]
> Sent: 	Wednesday, October 27, 2004 10:18:37 PM
> To: 	meeting at kent.net
> Subject: 	Re: meeting: Pan African Brethren Conference on Missions (8th  -  12th Nov)
> Auto forwarded by a Rule
At 09:42 AM 27/10/2004, Peter Blackwell wrote:
>      Of course Old Paths Open is as much a name as anything and probably 
> more
>divisive.  I see no difference to it and Brethren.   "Those gathered in 
>the name of
>the Lord Jesus alone" is also a name.  Any term that is used to refer to 
>an entity
>is a name.

And of course here is where you err Peter. To suggest Mt 18:20 to be a 
*name* so called, is putting something into the text that isn't there.

Also, to see no difference in "gathered in My Name" and the so called 
"Brethren" or "Brethren assemblies" is also adding something to the Word of 
God that is not there.

I pity your dim view of this particular subject sir. In Scripture, the term 
"brethren" is inclusive of the whole of the household of faith, not to be 
used as some divisive title as you are suggesting.

The only title given to believers in our Bibles is "Christian" which by the 
way is inclusive of the whole.

You nor any other have a right to take "brethren" or "Brethren" and apply 
it to a certain group apart from the whole of God's people.

Phil Nickerson
Gathering in His Name alone (apart from any denominational title)

(Please type slowly in all responses in order for to read easier and to be 

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