[Meeting] Re: meeting: Pan African Brethren Conference on Missions (8th - 12th Nov)

Phil Nickerson nicke at ns.sympatico.ca
Fri Oct 29 12:08:34 SAST 2004

> ----------
> From: 	owner-meeting at kent.net on behalf of Phil Nickerson[SMTP:NICKE at NS.SYMPATICO.CA]
> Sent: 	Friday, October 29, 2004 12:08:34 PM
> To: 	meeting at kent.net
> Subject: 	Re: meeting: Pan African Brethren Conference on Missions (8th   -  12th Nov)
> Auto forwarded by a Rule
>It is really my point, Phil.   If we observe that all groups of believers 
>gather  in the
>name of the Lord Jesus Christ then we are making one point.  If we are 
>to some select group or groups who claim that they alone are gathering to 
>name then we have capitalized the term and made it a divisive name.

The point is Peter, that "all groups of believers" are not meeting in the 
Lord's Name. That should be a given.

Because some today are actually gathering in His Name alone, does not make 
it a divisive name at all, any more than saints gathered together in the NT 
were sectarian.

To accuse many who adhere to Scripture alone as being such as you make them 
to be, wouldn't be quite correct at all.

>I pity your dim view of this particular subject sir. In Scripture, the term
> > "brethren" is inclusive of the whole of the household of faith, not to be
> > used as some divisive title as you are suggesting.
>Pity me if you wish.  I am merely pointing out that a "no name brand' is 
>still a

This is erroneous of course. Because certain believers accept no name / 
term other than what Scripture gives (and that includes the whole) does not 
make them, as you put it, a brand. With all due respect sir, but this type 
of logic is flawed.

> > The only title given to believers in our Bibles is "Christian" which by 
> the
> > way is inclusive of the whole.
>While you in another posting list a number of titles given in Scripture, I 
>agree to
>the inclusiveness of these titles.  When I am in China, I attend the 
>church on
>Meiling Road.  That is the only reference.  Church is a Biblical 
>term.  Meiling
>Road is where it is.    It is no different to the saints that met in 
>Corinth.   I am not
>sure that all who claim to gather in His name alone would gather with these

This might be a bit vague. If this "church" is something like the Toronto 
Vineyard Movement, then of course I can understand why some saints would 
give it a rather wide berth.

But whatever, this provides no argument why certain should be taking an 
unscriptural title to the exclusion of the rest of God's people.

> > You nor any other have a right to take "brethren" or "Brethren" and apply
> > it to a certain group apart from the whole of God's people.
>I regard these folks and others I meet with in other places as my brethren.

And so you should. But the problem remains, that when I take the term 
"brethren" and use it as a title where I gather to the exclusion of the 
rest, then I have become nothing less than sectarian.

I don't see your signature here Peter, but I am assuming it is you that 
wrote this note. All the best sir, and the Lord bless thee,

Phil Nickerson

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