[Meeting] Re: meeting: Re: In the midst

John Black jblac at puc.net
Sat Oct 30 15:22:19 SAST 2004

> ----------
> From: 	owner-meeting at kent.net on behalf of John Black[SMTP:JBLAC at PUC.NET]
> Sent: 	Saturday, October 30, 2004 3:22:19 PM
> To: 	meeting at kent.net
> Subject: 	Re: meeting: Re: In the midst
> Auto forwarded by a Rule
Dear brother Harold;
   I joined this forum about New Years, 95/96, since that time I have been
convinced you are a reasonably honest man.
  Why would a believer not be in happy fellowship in a close, or old path
open assembly of believers?
   A comment, Christians, gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
alone, Christian, is a scriptural name, the rest is a discription of an
assembly distinction, close, old path, open, exclusive, are discriptions of
assembly distinctions.
   I think it is a Harold Mackay wrote a booklet on assembly distinctions, I
don't have the booket with me, I think I have his name right. He is too open
a man for me, but his booklet has value.
  I have valued this forum because I have learned the distinctions of other
  I have been around, in, and out of old path assemblies for seventy some
years, I have been around in and out of open assemblies for about twenty
   I am now in happy fellowship  in what is discribed as an old path,close
assembly, despite all our warts and wrinkles, I have never heard it taught
that we are the only assemblies with the Lord in our midst.
   I just learned a new word, and not having much education, I use it
liberaly, such as Neo Brethren, its actualy in the dictionary, Neo,meaning
new,recent.latest, I know there are open assemblies that consider themselves
   To cut this short, again, why would a believer not be in happy fellowship
in an old path, close assembly?
   I hope this is profitable
  John Black
----- Original Message -----
From: "Harold Smith" <inchrist at ca.inter.net>
To: <meeting at kent.net>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 7:03 PM
Subject: meeting: Re: In the midst
> Dear Don,
> He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame
> him.  Prov. 18:13
> For your information Phil is not associated with the so called close
> meetings.
> As to the Lord being in the midst, judge ye for yourself.  Matt. 18:20 is
> the only verse any group can claim for His presence in their midst.
> If you study through the Old and New Testament about the place and name of
> the Lord  you will find there are certain characteristics associated with
> gathering to His name.
> Trust  this helps,
> Warmly,
> Harold

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