[Meeting] Re: meeting: Pan African Brethren Conference on Missions (8th - 12th Nov)

Phil Nickerson nicke at ns.sympatico.ca
Sun Oct 31 14:08:21 SAST 2004

> ----------
> From: 	owner-meeting at kent.net on behalf of Phil Nickerson[SMTP:NICKE at NS.SYMPATICO.CA]
> Sent: 	Sunday, October 31, 2004 2:08:21 PM
> To: 	meeting at kent.net
> Subject: 	Re: meeting: Pan African Brethren Conference on Missions (8th  -  12th Nov)
> Auto forwarded by a Rule
>If you had stayed away from discussing the term, "THE Saints Gathered to 
>the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ," you wouldn't have gotten me talking as 
>I have been.

You begin your post again Don leading out with another mistake. I actually 
wasn't discussing saints gathering to the Name of the Lord. And this tells 
me again what you are doing when you are reading postings, and how much 
more what you are doing when you are reading Scripture. It adds up to not 
reading what is before you, and reading something into the text that isn't 

>The group of Open's

It's always best to leave out the adding of name, or better ... name calling.

>  I was associated had Christians gathered to the Name of the Lord Jesus, 
> but I haven't know any other Opens using this term.  Perhaps you know of 
> others, but the only ones I have known that used that title with emphasis 
> on THE was the TW's.

Believers gathered in the Name of the Lord is not so much who they are, but 
what they do.

>  They also believe they alone have the Lord in their midst!

They very well could, and they very well would be mistaken. But none of us 
have the handle on everything.

>Their use of "THE Saints...etc." is far more than just a title, it is a 
>position.  They believe if you want to be one of THE Saints 
>gathered....etc." you have to join them.

The term "saints" is never given in Scripture as a title, but rather is an 
adjective. That means it is a descriptive term of who they are.

>Finally, Phil, are you a college professor? :)

I'm a college professor with a grade six.  ;-)

>If so, here of late you have been lecturing/reprimanding me like I'm one 
>of your students and have strayed from conforming to one of your rules on 
>discussion. :)

Sometimes one needs to be checked up when we stray from "what saith the 
Lord" ... even if the doing the checking suspects it is going to go no where.

>I'm sure you have been on this forum long enough to know that quite often 
>we get off on tangents.  If enough people start discussing the tangent, 
>that is the new subject!   Seeing as how you didn't start the subject, I 
>don't understand why you think you are in charge of keeping us tied to 
>just that subject in our discussions.

Again you are reading into the discussion what isn't there. If you or 
others want to spread out to other topics, I'm sure whoever IS in charge 
will have no problem with it.

But my point, and others will please forgive the repetition, is to see the 
error in adopting names that are not Biblical, and that but divide. That 
*was* my point. I was not discussing the facts or truth of gathering in the 
Lord's Name.

Now Don, allow me to encourage you to keep on with subjects (not tangents) 
that might develop into edifying discussions.

The Lord bless thee sir,

Phil Nickerson
Saved with an eternal redemption 

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