[Meeting] Re: meeting: Re: Morning smile

Phil Nickerson nicke at ns.sympatico.ca
Sun Oct 31 15:25:41 SAST 2004

> ----------
> From: 	owner-meeting at kent.net on behalf of Phil Nickerson[SMTP:NICKE at NS.SYMPATICO.CA]
> Sent: 	Sunday, October 31, 2004 3:25:41 PM
> To: 	John Black; meeting at kent.net
> Subject: 	Re: meeting: Re: Morning smile
> Auto forwarded by a Rule
At 08:23 AM 31/10/2004, John Black wrote:
>Hi ! loving brother Phil;
>   A few days ago I was watching Larry King, one person quoted a man called
>Buckly, I think it was, he said he would rather be governed by the first
>hundred people in the telephone book, than by a hundred University

Yo ho and a bottle of Pepto Bismol!

When it's all boiled down John, it ain't no never mind anyway. Plus, the 
parents of them there university students usually wind up with at least a 
mild case of maltuition.

The Lord bless thee sir and keep thee,

Phil Nickerson

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