[Meeting] Re: meeting: Re:Geoffrey Stedman <geoffrey.stedman at canterbury.ac.nz> Morning smile
John Black
jblac at puc.net
Wed Nov 3 16:29:07 SAST 2004
>From: owner-meeting at kent.net on behalf of John Black[SMTP:JBLAC at PUC.NET]
>Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 4:29:07 PM
>To: meeting at kent.net
>Subject: Re: meeting: Re:Geoffrey Stedman <geoffrey.stedman at canterbury.ac.nz> Morning smile
>Auto forwarded by a Rule
Dear Geoffrey;
The panel that made these statements were widly recognizes scholars, all
with university educations.
Do you claim that the place to learn wisdom is a university.
If I remember corectly you are the person who rejects the scriptural
account of creation.
In Him our hope!
John Black
----- Original Message -----
From: "Geoffrey Stedman" <geoffrey.stedman at canterbury.ac.nz>
To: "John Black" <jblac at puc.net>
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 2:54 PM
Subject: RE: meeting: Re:Geoffrey Stedman
<geoffrey.stedman at canterbury.ac.nz> Morning smile
> dear John
> i assure you that you opinion needed education;
> you could not send such a message to me from the other side of the world
without people like me- many of them
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