[Meeting] Re: meeting: Former Forum Member, Dick Gorgas

Phil Nickerson nicke at ns.sympatico.ca
Fri Dec 3 20:01:24 SAST 2004

> ----------
> From: 	owner-meeting at kent.net on behalf of Phil Nickerson[SMTP:NICKE at NS.SYMPATICO.CA]
> Sent: 	Friday, December 03, 2004 8:01:24 PM
> To: 	meeting at kent.net
> Subject: 	Re: meeting: Former Forum Member, Dick Gorgas
> Auto forwarded by a Rule
Thanks Don for this ... I've not been too much in contact with Dick since 
way back when, probably the early days on this forum and bro forum.

He's a happier man today ...

Phil Nickerson

At 12:43 PM 03/12/2004, Don Andersen wrote:

>I was asked what brother Dick died of.  I went back thru emails and 
>compiled the following:
>Dick wrote this on June 24 of this year:
>There was concern by the doctors that the cellulitis infection in my leg 
>may have travelled to my heart valve so that Tuesday I had the dreaded TEE 
>(Trans-esophagal Electrocardiogram) in which one swallows a hose like that 
>in the kitchen sink with a camera attached, while the physician observes 
>various parts of the heart, especially the artificial aortic valve.
>Dick wrote this on Oct 22:
>The doctors have finally seemed to zero in on my diuretic as the clue to 
>problems of low blood pressure and abnormal kidney function.
>After many tests, a new (for me) diuretic, Bumex, which has e been working 
>well for a few days and kidney function blood pressure has stabilized, 
>allowing me to go home to Wharton today. Jim has agreed to stay with me 
>during the days and we are arranging for me to have a kind of pendant 
>alarm system in case of emergency.
>Dick wrote this on Nov. 9:
>There have been so many of you who have lovingly inquired about my health, 
>so I felt it only right to give you a little update.
>Since my fall on January 1, I have not been in good health. After the 
>January incident, I have been hospitalized for three episodes of CHF 
>(congestive heart failure), the most recent on October 9 until the 23rd.
>Conflicting medical opinions on the effectiveness of the various diuretics 
>prescribed has not been helpful.
>I have been living alone in Wharton while Ruth deals with 40 years of 
>accumulated stuff, but it appears she will shortly be in a position to 
>move to Wharton.[They were moving to a 1 story home]
>Pray please that we might be together soon, that doctors might get a good 
>handle on the water-retention problem, and that I might be diligent in 
>following the salt-free diet.
>Dick's son Keith wrote this on Nov. 18:
>I would like to again ask for prayer for our father. He has been on 
>constant oxygen, but just called and said he has had trouble breathing all 
>night and my brother Fred is taking him to the hospital.
>Dick's daughter Peggy wrote on Nov 22:
>My father is still having a very hard time catching his breath. He has 
>been moved to a new room
>Dick's son Keith wrote on Nov 26:
>Doreen spoke with my dad a little while ago. He is in the nursing home, 
>and his breathing continues to get more difficult. They have ruled out it 
>being his heart, thinking it may be some sort of asthmatic condition. He 
>seems to be getting weaker. He wanted to be taken to Thanksgiving dinner 
>at my brother Fred's home yesterday, but was too weak. Doreen said he 
>seemed a little disoriented on the phone, but she may have just wakened 
>him. We would covet continued prayers.
>Dick's son Keith wrote this on Nov 27:
>My father was taken to the hospital by ambulance from the nursing home 
>this afternoon. He can't breathe. According to one of my siblings, he has 
>said that he thinks the Lord is calling him home. Please pray that his 
>spirit will be sustained by the Lord Jesus; that if it is the Lord's time, 
>he will be spared suffering and gently ushered into the Lord's presence. 
>His life has been marked by displaying the love of God towards the whole 
>body of Christ and to lost souls, particularly the poor and prisoners. In 
>a coming day many around the throne of God will be indebted to him as the 
>porter who ushered them to the Door of salvation, I am one of them. I 
>really grieve at the thought of him struggling for air. This morning when 
>he told me how hard it is to breathe, I mentioned that he will have no 
>trouble at all taking in the sweet air of heaven. He seemed to enjoy that 
>Dick's son Fred wrote this on Nov 29:
>I just visited Dad a couple of hours ago and he was noticeably weaker than 
>when I left him last evening. The Lord is very able to raise him up. I'm 
>sure there are many of us who realize how much he touches our lives and 
>wonder if perhaps the Lord still has something left for him to do here. I 
>would ask that we continue to pray that the Lord raises him up again, if 
>it's His will. It amazes me to hear him even in his so weak state telling 
>the very ill young man in the bed next to him that it doesn't matter where 
>you're from, it's where you're going that counts. Although we know our 
>Saviour's love and utmost care for him, it's hard to see Dad struggling to 
>display that brightness that has characterized him for so long. "He hath 
>done all things well!"
>Dick's son Keith wrote this on Dec 1:
>This is a prayer request concerning my father, Dick Gorgas, known in many 
>circles as "the singing pilgrim".
>He is very near death; it is not thought that he will make it more than a 
>few hours. My youngest sister, Grace Turner, is flying in from California. 
>She will not arrive until late this afternoon. I would ask the whole body 
>of Christ, where ever you may be, to ask the Father, in the name of the 
>Lord Jesus Christ, that he will remain alive until she arrives. (This will 
>be contrary to the natural course of things.) We ask this, not for Dad's 
>sake, but for hers. I know my father's heart that he would be willing to 
>suffer a little bit longer for his daughter's sake. There is power in 
>prayer, in hearts united before our Father's throne, He hears because He 
>loves His Son, and we are His Son's body. It is not our desire to see our 
>father suffer in this scene for a moment more than he has too. We do not 
>ask that his life be prolonged in this "vale of sorrows" except long 
>enough for my sister to see him in the flesh. If this is not the Lord's 
>will, we submit to it. "He doeth all things well."
>Later that day Keith wrote:
>I just spoke briefly with my dad by phone. His blood oxygen has gone up a 
>bit; the nurse says she thinks he is hanging on to see Grace. Her plane 
>has been delayed an hour and a half.
>He hadn't spoken in hours, but my sister Peg put the phone to his ear and 
>I repeated the verse he spoke briefly on last night. "It is better to 
>trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man." He said audibly "Thank 
>you". He now only responds to family members' voices. Please continue to 
>pray that he might remain in the body until my sister arrives, and that he 
>might be able to respond to her presence. He doesn't appear to be 
>suffering, and knows Grace is coming.
>Also, my brother Chris, who is away from the Lord, will be arriving 
>shortly. Please pray that his heart will be melted. And for my mother and 
>Fred and Peg as they keep Dad company.
>Then brother Dick Gorgas passed away the following morning around 10:40am.
>Your loving brother, <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = 
>"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
>Don Andersen
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>Date: Fri, 03 Dec 2004 07:04:49 -0400
>To: "Don Andersen" <danedon at hotmail.com>
>From: Phil Nickerson <nicke at ns.sympatico.ca>
>Subject: Re: meeting: Former Forum Member, Dick Gorgas
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>Don, what was the cause of Dick's death? Obviously, it seemed he knew he 
>was going home to glory. I only found out a bit back that Ray Davis had 
>died also.
>Anyway, hope all is well,
>Phil Nickerson
>At 01:16 AM 03/12/2004, you wrote:
>Your loving brother, <?xml:namespace prefix ns 
>"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
>Don Andersen

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