robjones at biblebeliever.co.za
robjones at biblebeliever.co.za
Mon Apr 18 07:13:56 SAST 2005
Original Message:
From: Sue BATES inasmuch at zappmobile.ro
Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2005 20:02:46 +0300
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;"@zappmobile.ro
The command to care for the widows and orphans (the helpless of this world)
was given not primarily to governmental agencies, but to believers as a
sign of their faith.
Before Communism, if a child was orphaned, the community and the churches
helped raise the child. But since the communists believed that every
individual is property of the state, they took it upon themselves to solve
this problem by human reasoning. And human reasoning minus God is a
disaster.. Ceausescu put children by the thousands into godless,
parentless state institutions....even children that had poverty-stricken
parents. They were improperly cared for - and that is putting it mildly.
In fact, they were treated like animals and reduced to a state like an
inhuman race.
When they turned 18, they were no longer wanted by these places that were
more like a prison for children. They were totally unprepared for life -
especially on the streets. Before the Revolution in 89, they gave them an
apartment and a job, but now, there is no saftey net for them to fall into
for temporary help. They fall right into the clutches of Satan and his
wicked servants.Of course, they fall into illegal and immoral activities to
survive. Their only future - without someone helping them - is poverty,
prison, and prostitution.
When we left the States 14 years ago, we wanted a Christianity that was
more involved in life. Just going to church every Sunday and Wednesday
and then the rest of the week was spent in the "rat race" falsely called
"life". When we came, we got involved in printing the Bible in Braille for
those blind Romanians who had had their Bible stolen from them by the
Communists after WW2. A few years later we went to the streets to see how
we could help the street kids. A high percentage of them were from the
orphanages. They were kicked out with no place to go. Since that time,
the Lord has blessed us and them with a home for girls in Bolintin Deal and
two homes for abandoned mothers and their children in Ciorogirla
You would think that everyone would be happy for what we are doing. Most
are and this work is a great testimony of how God cares for the "least of
these." But some peole could care less about "the least of these". and
even oppose the help given them. "They don't deserve your help - their
parents didn't want them and society doesn't either."....so I have heard
about these kids. But these are the kind that shape society....if we care
for them, we show our love and if we don't, we show our hardness of heart
and become more hardened.
Romania was recently voted into the European Union (don't know if that is
good - time will tell) and the governmental agencies are forcing the
private organizations working with children to comply with EU
standards...or they will close them down. The standards are very strict,
but not so for rich Western European countries. We were recently told (last
week) that we have three weeks to comply (or be well on the way) to the new
rules. We have to remodel the kitchen in three homes, add 8 more bathrooms
for Bolintin (we have completed two more, but now they say 8), put in
Thermo-pane windows (we have already done so in one mother's home), plus
many other changes are required. So, please pray that we will be able to
do this - and soon. We are a faith-based people who are depending on God
and His servants to help these girls keep their only place of safety they
have ever known.
Anywone would be touched by the mothers and children, but the older girls
in Bolintin are the ones that put me in tears every time I visit them.
They were never wanted - thrown away at virth, passed by when someone
wanted to adopt a child from their orphanage, rejected by the workers,
thrown on the streets like a sick, unwanted puppy when they got too old to
stay there, rejected by their government and by society. But God has
chosen us to give them a chance in life they NEVER had. And Satan doesn't
like this one bit. He wants them wallowing in the dirt and slime of the
streets. Why? That is a mystery that we as upright citizens and
Christians cannot understand. Perhaps it is because our work (including
yours) with the outcasts of society open the doors that Satan thought were
sealed shut. People wonder why we are doing what few even desire to do. It
is the love of God that compels and constrains us to do what He would be
doing. THEY SHOW US WHAT GOD IS REALLY LIKE. I only wish that each of you
could come to visit these girls and see their big smiles and hear their
words of gratitude for rescuing them.
Many of them say they know they would be dead if left on the streets.
Please pray that God would continue to supply their needs....and that they
will continue to see God's hand on them and submit to their Heavenly
Father's lovimg authority.
The government doesn't care if these girls and children are put out on the
streets. Some high officials have told us this. Because we wouldn't give
them bribes (money and expensive computers) they took us to court to make
us an example of what would happen if others didn't go along with their
blackmail.The case was thrown out of court as absurd, so these evil men
went to a higher court Please pray for the judge that he will stop this
evil toward our girls. The next trial date is May 6. Thankfully, there
are good people in government who appreciate what we are doing and are
trying to help us. Please pray tthat the ones who want to do evil deeds
will submit to God's desire to help these girls. And pray for us that we
will see this as an opportunity to do a better job as a testimony for God's
care for them. Satan intends for their intervention to be for bad, but God
will use it for good. But we, and other organizations that are trying to
help these children are weary of the harrassment. We are doing what should
be done for these orphans. Everyone has a responsibility to them -
individuals, churches, governments. We will al stand before the King and
tell what we did or did not do for the "least of these, my orphan girls."
Pray that we will be a blessing to the Romanian people and government, and
not a burden.
We love you all so much and pray for you daily - as you do us,
Sue and ron
Ron & Sue Bates, C.P. 53--55, Bucharest 4, Romania
tel: 4021-313-5465 inasmuch at b.astral.ro, inasmuch at zappmobile.ro
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