Mark and Tami Swaim swaim at
Wed Apr 20 21:22:23 SAST 2005

To all
My wife and I have had the privilege of spending a few days with Ron and Sue 
Bates a few years ago.  They are actively engaged in gospel efforts and in 
ministering to saints.  As well they have a ministry among the blind and 
send braille Bibles to the blind.  They have given up their lives for the 
sake of the gospel. And they have suffered greatly for it.  When I lived in 
a middle eastern country ten years back, I met unknown believers who risked 
their lives daily for Christ.  I always look back on those dear godly men 
and have said that they are heaven's best servants.  I would put Ron and Sue 
in that same category.  They labour for Christ, preach the gospel, help the 
poor, rich out to the unfortunate, and teach the Word of God.  The world is 
filled with critics.  We have known our share.  It is easy to be a critic on 
the sidelines or on another field.  But it is hard to be a servant on the 
front lines of the battle.  It is quite possible that I have misunderstood 
John's email.  I know John is also a dear servant of God.  And I have 
greatly benefited from his wisdom on this forum.  I am thankful that the 
Lord is keeping the records of our service to Him.  And he will reward 
accordingly.  May God be our encouragement in the work each of us has been 
given to do.

Warm Christian Greetings,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jones, Rob (SF02)" <rob.jones at>
To: <meeting at>; <meeting at>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:46 AM

> ----------
> From: owner-meeting at on behalf of Jones, Rob 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:46:42 AM
> To: meeting at; meeting at
> Subject: RE: meeting: FW: [Meeting] RE: URGENT PRAYER REQUESTS FROM 
> ROMANIA  4.17.05
> Auto forwarded by a Rule
Hi Everybody

When I look at the life of our Lord whilst on earth, his main ministry was
to those that society had rejected, the lepers, blind, lame, the woman at
the well, and I could go on. Whilst it is true that our prime purpose is to
make disciples of all nations.

  Mar 16:15  And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the
gospel to every creature.

We also need to continue to teach them in all things.

  Mat 28:19  Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Mat 28:20  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded
you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Whilst it is true that many secular organizations do excellent work with the
underprivileged, in many cases there individual motives are wrong, using
works to get salvation, but there are many Christians that have a true
burden for a particular section of society, and are faithful to the calling
to exercise their burden. Orphanages are a place where young children who
might otherwise never hear the Gospel can come to a saving knowledge of the
Lord, and continue in teaching to strengthen their faith and appreciation of
the Scriptures.

My prayers go out to Ron and Sue in their work.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-meeting at [mailto:owner-meeting at]On Behalf Of
Des Baird
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 1:47 AM
To: meeting at
Subject: Re: meeting: FW: [Meeting] RE: URGENT PRAYER REQUESTS FROM
ROMANIA 4.17.05

Thank you Gerald, I could not have said it better.

Dear John,

One of the 'giants in the faith' held in high esteem, George Mulleur,
founded an Orphanage on 'Faith alone'.

I salute and likewise hold in high esteem Ron and Sue Bates mighty efforts
in serving the Lord in the ministry to which He has called them.  Their
ministry involves being on call 24/7, rescuing those that society has
rejected and disgarded as untouchable. They wash their wounds, give them
nourishment, show them love and best of all, have lead many to the Lord.

I am not worthy to unlatch their shoes.

Please John, take them on board, pray fervently for them, in fact why not
ask them to send you their 'prayer letter', you won't regret it.

Sue BATES E-mail Address:     inasmuch at

Des (in sunny Queensland)

> Dear John,
> I'm not sure I understand you. Are you trying to tell us that people
> should
> not go and found orphanages, and other good works, but rather they should
> go
> 'teach all nations'?
> Your message seems to both detract and support these other works besides
> just plain gospel work. So,,, what is it you are saying.
> Thanks,
> Gérald
> Gerald & Marilyn Boisvert
> gjb at
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-meeting at [mailto:owner-meeting at]On Behalf Of
> John Black
> Sent: April 19, 2005 7:53 AM
> To: meeting at
> Subject: Re: meeting: FW: [Meeting] RE: URGENT PRAYER REQUESTS FROM
> ROMANIA 4.17.05
> Dear brethren;
>    We are called to be teachers, not start orpanages, Math.28;19. Teach
> God's truth.
>   We are living in a dying world,even in Canada,more children are living
> in
> poverty, and deaper poverty than ten years ago, two billion people around
> the world are living in slums with no real health care,or education, in
> many
> areas of the world half the children perish before they are five.
>  A skilled nurse can go anywhere almost and teach nursing, while living
> true to God, and skilled teacher can go and teach, and live the the true
> faith. two grand mothers, and a grand father are spending half the year in
> the Ukraine, and El Salvador, teaching the true gosel and working amonst
> the
> peope,a couple just went to the Ukraine on his five weeks holiday with
> pay,
> to teach the gospel of the Lord Jesus, and work with the people.
>  In the Ukraine they found orphanages where there werent enough shoes for
> everyone, not enough cups for meal time, and no toilet paper in the
> toilets.
> In India there are thousands who are born in the streets, live there lives
> in the streets, and die in the streets.
>   New York city provides thirty six thousand beds each night for street
> people.
> The Bible tells of one third of men perishing through pestilance and war,
> that to-day would be two billion people.
>    Now my figures and statement are taken from T.V. and I assume they are
> at least close to the truth. Amen !
>    Maranatha ! Surely soon !
>   John Black
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jones, Rob (SF02)" <rob.jones at>
> To: <meeting at>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 12:57 AM
> ---
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