[Meeting] Re: meeting: Basic Christianity books

Des Baird desdor65 at bigpond.net.au
Tue Apr 26 01:38:57 SAST 2005

> ----------
> From: 	owner-meeting at kent.net on behalf of Des
> Sent: 	Tuesday, April 26, 2005 1:38:57 AM
> To: 	Ted McDonald; meeting at kent.net
> Subject: 	Re: meeting: Basic Christianity books
> Auto forwarded by a Rule
Dear Ted,
I took a peek at website http://www.bridgeway.org.au and look what I

You can download <http://www.bridgeway.org.au/Download/Download.htm>
all of the Bridgeway books and use them free now! 

Bridgeway Publications is a non-profit foundation that has been set up
firstly to provide books that will help Christians in the developing
world, and secondly to provide a channel by which the books can be sent
in (see Sponsorship
<http://www.bridgeway.org.au/Sponsorship/Sponsorship.htm> ). 

The books, written by former missionary Don Fleming, help bridge the gap
between the world of the Bible and the world of today by providing the
sort of information that readers are looking for. They also bridge the
gap between the technical reference works and the ordinary reader. They
are written in an easy-read style that readers in general appreciate,
especially those who use English as a second language.

The author has had wide experience in evangelism, church planting and
Bible teaching, in his home country of Australia, and in Asia, Africa,
Europe and the Pacific. He is well known for his ability to explain the
Bible writings concisely and simply, both in his preaching and in his
writing. His writings have been translated into more than thirty
languages (see Catalogue
<http://www.bridgeway.org.au/Catalogue/Catalogue Layout.htm> ,
Publishers  <http://www.bridgeway.org.au/Catalogue/Catalogue
Layout.htm#Publishers%20and%20Editions> and Editions). 

You can download <http://www.bridgeway.org.au/Download/Download.htm>
all of the Bridgeway books and use them free now! 

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