FW: meeting: [Meeting] brethren weblinks

Jones, Rob (SF02) rob.jones at honeywell.com
Wed Jun 29 06:43:29 SAST 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: Des Baird [mailto:desdor65 at bigpond.net.au]
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 10:07 AM
To: Jones, Rob (SF02)
Subject: Re: meeting: [Meeting] brethren weblinks

Hi Rob,

Dwight Beaver's sent this one to 'Bro Forum' thought it might be of

Have added a few others, you may have some of them already.


Des in sunny Queensland


Voices For Christ has the largest library on record some 15,000 titles and
still adding, mostly Assembly material. Wm McDonald of Bible Commentary fame
is available in MP3 format to listen online or download to your PC.



This site:- Joe Skelley Tape Library Belfast. Largest Assemmbly Tape Library
in UK.
http://www.jstl.org.uk/ is the one to go looking for Harold Paisley.

When you click on the above you will see on left hand side of webpage
'downloads' headings such as Gospel, Devotional etc. Click on devotional and
you will finda message or two by Harold or click on Characters, again take a
peek to see if Harold is listed, try clicking thru' all the other

There is a feast to be had from this website (based in Belfast Northern
Ireland) I personally recommend Jim Flanigan, T.E.Wilson, some real choice
ministry from these two brethren.


Precious Seed www.preciousseed.org


Tunes for Hymns in Believers Hymnbook.



Feel free to forward any meditation to a friend.
View Choice Gleanings on the web: www.choicegleanings.com





This one is Baptist orientated from Belfast Northern Ireland, worth taking
time to browse especially links to Late Willie Mullan's life story available
in PDF format and MP3 audio plus links to Books etc.


This one has Frank Knox's Testimony

http://www.irishevangelists.com/   and free downloads of Willie Mullan's




High Priest's garments, Tabernacle www.thebiblezone.com









This is not an Assembly site but still worth having a look.


For the Ladies (Craft & Things). The lass whose site this is, suffered a
nervous breakdown and found this type of hobby/interest  very therapeutic.

Be sure to click on 'All About Me' on the right hand side of the webpage
before going thru' the wee rooms.


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