South African Bible Believers

History of the Brethren


There is a great deal to be said about the origins of the Brethren movement. Below is a few links that give a good insight to the Brethren. .


 Brethren History

 Brethren since 1870

 Plymouth Brethren

 Plymouth Brethren FAQ

 Plymouth Brethren, a brief History

 Plymouth Brethren, Movement of the 1800's

 John Nelson Darby

Series of talks on the History of the Brethren

Seven Period's of Church History



Brethren Assemblies in Southern Africa


Cape Assemblies

Natal Assemblies

Inland Assemblies


Ferndale Bible Chapel

Tel 011 7873388

Address: Corner York and Dover Street

Ferndale Randburg.

E Mail:

Walkers Fruit Farms Assembly

Tel  0724753154

Situated in Walkerville, (Midvaal) South of Johannesburg, approx 10km from Meyerton.

Address: 66 5th Road

Walkers Fruit Farms


Key responsibilities

Outreach to the areas of Orange Farms, Ennerdale, Daleside and Henley on Klip.

Links to other Brethren sites and information

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