[Meeting] meeting: John 17

Jones, Rob (SF02) rob.jones at honeywell.com
Mon Oct 4 07:48:52 SAST 2004

> ----------
> From: 	owner-meeting at kent.net on behalf of Jones, Rob (SF02)[SMTP:ROB.JONES at HONEYWELL.COM]
> Sent: 	Monday, October 04, 2004 7:48:52 AM
> To: 	meeting at kent.net
> Subject: 	meeting: John 17
> Auto forwarded by a Rule
Someone here in Poland has recently emailed me the following questions and
I have not had time to follow up. Could I get some comments? 


In John 17 
1. v.1(gloryfy your Son , that your son may gloryfy You) what did He mean ?
how God may gloryfy his Son? 
2. in v. 2 Jesus was granted authority over all people to give eternal life
JUST to those who are given to him by Father. Can you explain what does the
word authority mean in this context. Can you explain what does phrase "all
those You have given Him" 
3 in v. 3 (they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ) is the
adjective "true" in the phrase "true God" describe only the Father? , or do
you think it describes also Jesus Christ? HOW does IT LOOK IN GREEK
4 Comparing verses 1 and 4, I see a contradiction, maybe ostensible, "Your
Son may glorify You" and " I've brought You a glory on Earth". What aspects
of gloryfing Jesus refer in v.4 and what kind of glory Jesus was going to
bring to the Father in v. 1 
5.what Father have to do to let his Son glorify him in v.1?

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