[Meeting] Re: meeting: Pan African Brethren Conference on Missions (8th - 12th Nov)

John Black jblac at puc.net
Tue Oct 26 14:24:43 SAST 2004

> ----------
> From: 	owner-meeting at kent.net on behalf of John Black[SMTP:JBLAC at PUC.NET]
> Sent: 	Tuesday, October 26, 2004 2:24:43 PM
> To: 	meeting at kent.net
> Subject: 	Re: meeting: Pan African Brethren Conference on Missions (8th -  12th Nov)
> Auto forwarded by a Rule
Dear loving brethrenl
    What ever happened to those people with no name, believers gathered to
the name of the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
   Brethren is a non-scriptural name, it divides the Body of Christ,
brethren is a scriptural name, we are brethren to every born-again soul from
Pentecost till the rapture.
  Calling ourselves the Brethren is popular, and para church organizations
are tripping over each other. There is an endeavour to have a central
eclesiastical hierarchy, haveing authority over large groups of assemblies.
  Satan has transformed himself into an evangelical, we are rich and
incresed with goods, some are trying to gain control of the government of
the U.S.A.
   Keep looking up brethren our redemption draweth nigh.
 In Him our hope !!
 Your loving brother, John Black
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jones, Rob (SF02)" <rob.jones at honeywell.com>
To: <meeting at kent.net>
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 1:45 AM
Subject: meeting: Pan African Brethren Conference on Missions (8th - 12th

> -----Original Message-----
> From: robjones at biblebeliever.co.za [mailto:robjones at biblebeliever.co.za]
> Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 7:25 AM
> Subject:
> Posted: 25 Oct 2004 05:22 am    Post subject: Pan African Brethren
> Conference on Missions (8th - 12th Nov)
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Pan African Brethren Conference on Missions (8th - 12th November, 2004)
> Please pray for the organisers, the Steering Committee in Zambia and the
> Logistics Committee in South Africa, for strength and commitment to the
> task
> at hand. For the ability to address issues efficiently as they arise and
> for a calmness and peace in all the activity.
> This conference will be held in South Africa, some 50 Miles (80 Km) from
> our international Johannesburg airport. We have people comming from all
> over Africa to attend this conference, most have never been to South
> Africa, therefor collecting everybody from various busstops, airports,
> stations etc is a mamoth task. In some cases we may have to deal with
> customs etc. However we are looking foreward to the time, and believe that
> all who attend will benifit from being here.
> However we need your prayers, both for the logistics in planning this
> conference, and in the actual conference, the speakers, the
> will be held in english, amd translated to French and Portuguese).
> Information from the conference will go back to the various home
> in the various African States.
> Thanks Everybody
> _________________
> Rob Jones
> S.A. Bible Believer
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