[Meeting] Re: meeting: Pan African Brethren Conference on Missions (8th - 12th Nov)

Jones, Rob (SF02) rob.jones at honeywell.com
Wed Oct 27 08:25:32 SAST 2004

> ----------
> From: 	owner-meeting at kent.net on behalf of Jones, Rob
> Sent: 	Wednesday, October 27, 2004 8:25:32 AM
> To: 	meeting at kent.net
> Subject: 	Re: meeting: Pan African Brethren Conference on Missions
> (8th -  12th Nov)
> Auto forwarded by a Rule
Hi Everybody

Don I think that you hit the nail on the head, we have become proud of
our way of meeting, of analyzing other Assemblies and Local Churches,
and classing them according to our understanding of what a local Church
should be. We even exclude other groups because they meet slightly
different to us, even though they may be independent, have the same
understanding of the Biblical Doctrines as we do, but differ in that
they may have a full time Pastor, or hold the Breaking of Bread service
differently etc. Here in South Africa the two main independent groups
are the Independent Baptist (Not the Baptist Union/Southern Baptist),
and the "Brethren", with a few other Churches that have no affiliation
with any other Church. At what point does an Assembly cease to become an
Assembly, and become labeled as Apostate? 

In Paul's writings, he wrote to many different kinds of Local Churches,
from those with a good solid Biblical Based foundation, to those that
was very worldly (Corinth), yet he considered the Saints gathered there
as fellow Christians.

 Over the years I have heard various "Brethren" slate this or that
Assembly, because they have become liberal, or are too conservative,

If we look at the New Testament example, there were independent
Churches, but that did not stop Paul and others interacting with them,
or help troubled Churches with their problems (Paul and Barnabas trip to

The question arises, are we just brethren (Brothers) gathered in the
name of Jesus (irrespective of what label we have) or Brethren as
opposed to Baptist etc. 

If any Conference, organization etc is established to have a Laodicean
hierarchy in having authority over many Assemblies, that I believe to be
unscriptural, but to gather to learn from gifted speakers, following the
principle of the Berean Christians, and go back and help our own local
assembly with the knowledge gained, I believe that conferences such as
this one can be of a blessing to the Believers.  





-----Original Message-----
From: owner-meeting at kent.net [mailto:owner-meeting at kent.net]On Behalf Of
Don Andersen
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 4:15 PM
To: meeting at kent.net
Subject: Spam: Re: meeting: Pan African Brethren Conference on Missions
(8th - 12th Nov)


I think what has happened to them is this.  They became prideful at
being THE gathered saints! 

Everything that any of their Assemblies decreed on earth was considered
bound in heaven. They insisted that the authority of Christ in their
midst even validated erroneous Assembly decisions, until He saw fit to
correct them. Anyone who rebelled against an Assembly decision or
displayed contempt towards an Assembly was in danger of excommunication.
An Assembly that was insubordinate to another Assembly's decrees was no
longer considered an Assembly.  As disagreements arose within their
ranks, the swords they had wielded against the Opens were ruthlessly
turned on each other. One division after another devastated their
leagues. Some of them were over serious doctrinal aberrations, some
simply over what constituted the legitimate "Assembly decision" in
squabbles between Assemblies. But instead of re-evaluating and
backtracking, they attempted to justify their own sides of the divisions
by biased inter! pretations of Old Testament types based on their own
pretentiousness. They increasingly likened themselves to the faithful
Israelites, and everyone else to the heathen or the idolaters in these
Old Testament types. But Christians who really worship the Lord simply
can not be compared to the idolaters and heathens that deny Him, no
matter how wrong their way of worship!

These were all gathered to the Lord's name alone.  But God seems to have
disowned them as they have crumbled into a few crumbs here and there,
their testimony decimated.  If we read the History of Brethren by Neatby
and Noel, we see that there was a central hierarchy in the beginning of
the PB movement in London.  Elders from all the assemblies met to decide
everything.  I believe they met at Park Street.  Course this was after
Darby caused the division between his group and the group that became
the Opens.  Perhaps if there had been a central hierarchy from the
beginning we would still all be together.  There seems to have been such
in the early church. When there was a dispute in Judea, they sent Paul
and Barnabas and others to Jerusalem to resolve the matter.  Acts 15:2
The Council of Elders from Jerusalem sent some to Antioch with their
decree on the matter.  Acts 15:22.

Your loving brother, 


Don Andersen 


From: "John Black" :  Dear loving brethren; What ever happened to those
people with no name, believers gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ alone. Brethren is a non-scriptural name, it divides the Body of
Christ, brethren is a scriptural name, we are brethren to every
born-again soul from Pentecost till the rapture. Calling ourselves the
Brethren is popular, and para church organizations are tripping over
each other. There is an endeavour to have a central eclesiastical
hierarchy, haveing authority over large groups of assemblies. Satan has
transformed himself into an evangelical, we are rich and incresed with
goods, some are trying to gain control of the government of the U.S.A.
Keep looking up brethren our redemption draweth nigh. In Him our hope !!
Your loving brother, John Black 


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