[Meeting] meeting: Russian Gospel Tract — The Matchless Pearl

TedM tedm at a-msystems.com
Fri Nov 12 19:03:00 SAST 2004

>From: 	owner-meeting at kent.net on behalf of TedM[SMTP:TEDM at A-MSYSTEMS.COM]
>Sent: 	Friday, November 12, 2004 7:03:00 PM
>To: 	meeting at kent.net
>Subject: 	meeting: Russian Gospel Tract — The Matchless Pearl
>Auto forwarded by a Rule

Thanks for the couple of responses regarding Russian literature.My Russian 
translator sent me some links for Russian literature. They were mainly in 
Russian which I cannot read.

However, the translation of the Matchless Pearl in Russian has been 

It is a nice gospel tract. The English version is here.

We plan to continue with more gospel literature in Russian.

By grace,

Ted McDonald

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