[Meeting] meeting: Russian Christian Literature

Ted McDonald tedm at a-msystems.com
Tue Nov 9 02:46:03 SAST 2004

>From: 	owner-meeting at kent.net on behalf of Ted McDonald[SMTP:TEDM at A-MSYSTEMS.COM]
>Sent: 	Tuesday, November 09, 2004 2:46:03 AM
>To: 	meeting at kent.net
>Subject: 	meeting: Russian Christian Literature
>Auto forwarded by a Rule

Does anyone know what evangelic and expository books are available in 
Russian?  Or, does anyone know who might know? I am trying to have more 
articles and books translated into the Russian language.

So far, I have had the following translated into Russian.

Мухаммад, ислам и терроризм — Muhammad, Islam and Terrorism
Такое Важное ‎Спасение by Дж. Ф. Стромбек — So Great Salvation by John 
Ислам и обезглавливание — Islam and Beheading
Ислам, Искупление ‎и ‎Божественность Христа — Islam, Redemption, and the 
Deity of Christ.

By grace,

Ted McDonald 

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