[Meeting] FW: Re: meeting: Mark Swain

Jones, Rob (SF02) rob.jones at honeywell.com
Wed Apr 20 08:53:05 SAST 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-meeting at kent.net [mailto:owner-meeting at kent.net]On Behalf Of
Clay Berry
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:55 AM
To: Meeting PbList
Subject: Fwd: Re: meeting: Mark Swain

Sorry meant to send this to the whole group.

> Hi,
> It has been a while since we have heard from Mark,
> in
> fact it has been a while since there was much
> activity
> here at all.  However Mark was a real encouragement
> to
> a young man from my assembly Steve Madgwick, that
> was
> traveling in Poland the last couple of weeks. Steve
> mentioned that Mark is undergoing a tough time and
> could use our prayers. 
> Mark has been serving the Lord in Poland for several
> years under difficult circumstances. I am sure he
> would appreciate our prayers.
> clay
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