[Meeting] FW: Re: meeting: Mark Swain
Mark and Tami Swaim
swaim at believershome.com
Fri Apr 22 23:39:47 SAST 2005
Greetings Clay and all
Thank you for your email. It is true we have had a difficult 2 years. We
are in an area of Poland where there is very little gospel witness. In
addition to that, the few believers that are around from other churches have
shown great immaturity and have caused great damage to the work of the Lord.
There have been many tears and heartaches.
What we have been doing for 3 years is preaching the gospel, teaching the
Word of God and practicing Christ-centered Christianity. In addition to
that we were seeking to join together two small groups of believer to form
one assembly. However, the work of joining the two groups together has
ceased and we are attempting to carry on as a small group of believers,
breaking bread and following the pattern of Acts 2:42.
Prayer is appreciated for the following:
1. Our family. It has been difficult to live isolated from other believers
of like mind. It is difficult for the children, my wife and myself to be
without co-workers. We have gotten to a point where we have thought about
2. The gospel effort: we have an open door in the gospel. Mingyi (chinese
student) and Joanna (Polish student) are very close to salvation. Pray the
Lord would open their eyes. Marysia and Olga are two students who have said
they want to come to the Bible study but as yet, they have not come. Last
week we began a monthly Bible study in a neighboring town and 3 new women
came and were happy to listen to the Word of God. If you notice, every
person mentioned is a woman. Pray for contact with men as well.
3. The translation work. We are seeking to encourage translation of good
material. One brother has recently translated Michael Barrett's book,
"Complete in Him" an excellent book on the gospel and sanctification. Since
translating this book, he has lost his translation business since word has
gotten around Poland that he has translated this book. He has yet to find a
publisher for it, but it is on the internet and close to 9000 people have
already seen the book. This same brother wishes to translated RK Campbell's
book, "The Church of the Living God". We are currently seeking permission
from the publisher to translate it and of course we also need to find a
publisher. The problem with publishing such material is that there is no
market for these books in Poland. As well we write articles on various
subjects which we hope will help the brethren in Poland. Much of this can
be found at www.believershome.com
4. Conference ministry. Lately we have been organizing or speaking at
Bible conferences. There is a great need for teaching in Poland.
5. The little assembly of 10 or so believers.
Well there is more I could say but that will be sufficient. We enjoyed a
visit with Steve and David Madgwick. They were an encouragement to us and
we trust we were to them.
Yes, you have not heard much from me. That is simply due to lack of time.
I have missed the debate on the forum. Perhaps some could write of the
things they have enjoyed in the Word of God recently.
In Christ,
Mark and Tami Swaim (and the kids)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Clay Berry" <parkaleo at yahoo.com>
To: "Meeting PbList" <meeting at kent.net>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:54 AM
Subject: [Meeting] Fwd: Re: meeting: Mark Swain
>> ----------
>> From: owner-meeting at kent.net on behalf of Clay
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:54:34 AM
>> To: Meeting PbList
>> Subject: Fwd: Re: meeting: Mark Swain
>> Auto forwarded by a Rule
> Sorry meant to send this to the whole group.
> clay
>> Hi,
>> It has been a while since we have heard from Mark,
>> in
>> fact it has been a while since there was much
>> activity
>> here at all. However Mark was a real encouragement
>> to
>> a young man from my assembly Steve Madgwick, that
>> was
>> traveling in Poland the last couple of weeks. Steve
>> mentioned that Mark is undergoing a tough time and
>> could use our prayers.
>> Mark has been serving the Lord in Poland for several
>> years under difficult circumstances. I am sure he
>> would appreciate our prayers.
>> clay
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Jones, Rob (SF02)" <rob.jones at honeywell.com>
To: <meeting at biblebeliever.co.za>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 8:53 AM
Subject: [Meeting] FW: Re: meeting: Mark Swain
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-meeting at kent.net [mailto:owner-meeting at kent.net]On Behalf Of
> Clay Berry
> Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:55 AM
> To: Meeting PbList
> Subject: Fwd: Re: meeting: Mark Swain
> Sorry meant to send this to the whole group.
> clay
>> Hi,
>> It has been a while since we have heard from Mark,
>> in
>> fact it has been a while since there was much
>> activity
>> here at all. However Mark was a real encouragement
>> to
>> a young man from my assembly Steve Madgwick, that
>> was
>> traveling in Poland the last couple of weeks. Steve
>> mentioned that Mark is undergoing a tough time and
>> could use our prayers.
>> Mark has been serving the Lord in Poland for several
>> years under difficult circumstances. I am sure he
>> would appreciate our prayers.
>> clay
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