[Meeting] meeting: Re: urgent prayer

John Black jblac at puc.net
Wed Apr 20 14:34:26 SAST 2005

> ----------
> From: 	owner-meeting at kent.net on behalf of John
> Sent: 	Wednesday, April 20, 2005 2:34:26 PM
> To: 	meeting at kent.net
> Subject: 	meeting: Re: urgent prayer
> Auto forwarded by a Rule
Dear brethren;
   It was confusing to me too!
 If you want better I will have to get a prood reader, or a ghost
   Assemblies in Ontario sent a shipping container,by sea, one I know
of to the Ukraine.
   A young sister went to Africa and was a University Prof., another
sister, a highljy skilled and trained nurse went to Africa and trained
   The Lord Jesus didnt feed all the hungry nor raise all the dead, nor
heal all the sick, The powers that  be are ordained of God, and we
should work with them, all the China Inland Mission stations were
destroyed, when Mao and his army took control.
  I wonder if all assembly meeting places shouldnt have therer lights on
24/7, helping the fatherless, and widows, all assemblies should be Bible
schools, and in some places the people, young and old need to learn to
read and write, and do rithmatic.
   I have known men who spent there lives on foriegn fields, the only
time you heard from them was when they wrote to acknowledge the
receiving of practical fellowship or when they came home for a breather.
   I have heard from brothers in India that  there are over 2000
assemblies in areas of India and some 750 evangelists, what would we do
if everyone sent there needs around the world.
 A preacher of the Gospel was describing toj a Baptist pastor how he was
provided for  without telling anyone of his needs The Baptist pastor
said," that sounds like a hand to mouth existance", " Yes, the preacher
said, but its from the Lord's hand to my mouth.
  Maranatha, Surely soon!
   John Black 

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