[Meeting] meeting: gay marriage

Tedm tedM at a-msystems.com
Mon Apr 25 04:56:45 SAST 2005

> ----------
> From: 	owner-meeting at kent.net on behalf of
> Sent: 	Monday, April 25, 2005 4:56:45 AM
> To: 	meeting at kent.net
> Subject: 	meeting: gay marriage
> Auto forwarded by a Rule

Good to see some activity on the forum. It has been awhile. I suppose
that most are busy with family and various ministries.

Recently, I wrote an article on gay marriage from a rational and natural
law perspective. This issue is under consideration before the Washington
State Supreme Court. I had read a low court's opinion and thought that I
should write a reply to some of his arguments.


The article is not based upon scripture. It is based upon the law
written on the heart of every man. 


Ted McDonald
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