robjones at biblebeliever.co.za robjones at biblebeliever.co.za
Tue May 17 07:17:59 SAST 2005

Original Message:
From: Sue BATES inasmuch at zappmobile.ro
Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 00:36:40 +0300
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;"@zappmobile.ro

INASMUCH - Matthew 25:40

Ron & Sue Bates,  C.P. 53-55, Bucharest 4, Romania

Tel:  4021-313-5465   www.inasmuch.ro inasmuch at zappmobile.ro




Dear Friends,                                         May 15. 2005


We hope this message finds you all well and rejoicing in the Lord.  We are
rejoicing because of the kindness and generosity you have shown us and the
needy orphans and outcasts of Romania and Moldova.  


It always makes us feel so good to know there are brothers and sisters like
you all supporting us in prayer and fellowship.  The needs are so great in
these so-called former communist countries.  Needs are both physical and


Because kind believers like you help us to help others, it opens the door
for the gospel.  We just don't tell them: "Be ye warmed and filled," but
are able to help in a substantial way so they will know that someone cares
for them, not just in word, but in deed.


There are many, many examples of how the fellowship gifts are spent. 
Because the economy is so horrendous, the people are struggling to survive.
And, of course, the children and elderly suffer the most.


We have a program called, "Baby Smiles".  We give milk, food, clothing to
mothers so they won't have to abandon their children.  We work with a
children's hospital in nearby Bolintin Vale.  The administrator told me
they have no abandoned babies in their hospital!  Abandonment is  very
common because if a mother doesn't have enough food for her baby, she will
take it to a hospital, pretending it is sick, and leave it.


But, at the hospital where we help, the lady doctor said that if a mother
is thinking about abandoning her newborn, she is given clothing, milk and
whatever she needs and tells her to come back in three months to see if she
still wants to give up her child.  The doctor said a mother has never come
back because this gives her time to bond with her child.


Because of such kind of help, we find it easy to tell of Christ's love for
the mother and child.   Their appreciation and response is incredible.


We also have the privilege of helping poor families who have no jobs, but
have large families to feed.  This is mostly in the gypsy villages.  When a
gypsy comes to Christ, that usually means that they are without a job. 
Some were involved in questionable activities and when they came to Christ,
they stopped their dishonest practices.  They have a very difficult life. 










We also help homeless mothers and children to have a place to stay until
they can be reintegrated back into society.    We feel like they should
work and be independent, whenever possible.  


We have a ministry to the street children - taking them food and clothing
and the love of Christ for their pitiful lives.  This is a very, very
difficult ministry, because most of them immediately get on drugs and
involved in illegal activities just to survive.  We have been told by the
religious leaders to stop helping them and to begin helping someone who
deserves our help.  So, this is a wonderful opportunity to tell them that
none of us deserve God's grace......it is unmerited and free to all.


Our major ministry is the girl's home in Bolintin Deal.  We have about 50
girls who were raised in the hell-holes called orphanages and then put out
on the cruel streets when they turn 18, totally unprepared for what they
face.  The pimps and perverts are waiting for them at the train stations
where most of them go to beg.  We have been privileged to rescue these
poor, pitiful girls.  All their lives, they suffered abuse, neglect, and
rejection.  Now, they have a place of safety and security.  They now suffer
from physical and behavioral problems due to a lack of proper food and
parental love.  But, with God's grace and help, we want to help them be all
that God would want them to be.  


Most of them have come to Christ and desire to know Him more fully.....even
with their handicaps.


Please pray that God will provide all their needs according tp His riches
in glory.  Because Romania is going to enter the European Union next year,
they are requiring the private institutions to make their homes according
to Western European standards.  For example, we are too crowded and must
add on extra rooms and 8 more bathrooms.  This is quite expensive, but God
owns the cattle on a thousand hills and cares deeply for these outcast


May God be with you in a special, intimate way for giving to Him through
them.   Please remember "the least of these, my orphans and street kids,"
as you celebrate the august privilege of receiving the call to go into all
the world and preach the gospel.


2 Corinthians 8:9  "For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that,
though He was rich, yet for your sakes, He became poor, that ye through His
poverty, might be rich."


We love you and are praying for you.......Ron and Sue



"We are never more like Jesus than when we are choked with compassion for


Sue couldn't have eye surgery because  there was't a place in the hospital.
It will be in 2 to 3 weeks, Lord willing. She is waiting for her prosthesis
to be made so she can hopefully walk again.   Ron is doing very well -
stronger than before his stroke.  The doctors said this is a miracle.  Why
do we call it a miracle when it is God's every day goodness and mercy.

Mariana, one of our office workers in the Braille Printing House - is in
the hospital.  She is only 40 years old, but has a blood leakage in her
brain.  She is paralyzed on her left side. Pray for her full recovery.

Daniela,  wife of missionary, Martin Mallette, has a herniated disk and is
in severe pain.  Pray that she will not have to have surgery.

We have been given two extra weeks to finishe the repairs, remodeling.
addition to Bolintin.  Pray that we will accomplish this and receive
accreditation for the glory of God and the good of these girls.

Pray that we will grow in the grace and wisdom of our gracious God.

Pray that we all will be privileged to reach more with the GOOD NEWS of the
glorious gospel of love and forgiveness found only through Jesus Christ,
our Lord and Savior.

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