[Meeting] May News
Brethren Assembly
robjones at biblebeliever.co.za
Sat May 28 12:57:40 SAST 2005
Our Web site continues to grow, recently we had to upgrade our servers and increase our disk storage space. The formatting of "Darbys synopsis of the Bible" is completed, and has been published on the Web. It is a good source of reference when you study the Bible. Also published is A.W Pink
"The Divine Inspiration of the Bible" and "Interpretation of the Scriptures".
>From H A Ironside "What is the Gospel"
Also added is "Seven periods of Church History".
At present we are busy digitising Les Rainey's book "Biographies of the Old Testament". This book was printed whilst he was in Rhodesia (Zambabwe) in 1972. I still need to get hold of him for permission to publish it on the Web, if anybody knows his contact details, please drop me a line. I believe that he is now in Canada.
Fred Cosen was in South Africa recently, he has now rejoined the MV Doulos.
Following is a report from Joel & Julia East Africa Mombasa,
Last week I visited the coastal town again and had the privilege to visit MV Doulos (OM ship which is one of the oldest ship built two years after Titanic was built)). There are about 300 people on board from 40 different countries. I had the joy of meeting our Bro. Fred Cosin & Jennie an itinerant evangelist and bible - teacher based in US. He is with the ship for the last 2 months. Our brother Thomas( Mombasa) is co-ordinating things in connection with ship. And also I could visit another assembly and teach there. (3) Kaptei is a village which is 50 kms from Nairobi. Assembly is one year old and about 20 in fellowship. 8 people expressed willingness for baptism as I spoke on basic doctrines. It is great delight to see work of God progressing. Often Missionary's life is dry but satisfied, fulfilling and rewarding. Good Lord is filling our hearts with joy of doing His will. Pray for Joyce and children as well ( Joel & Julia).
A big concern in Africa today is the Aids pandemic. Every minute 7 children are born with AIDS in Africa. Every year one million people die of AIDS and same number die of Malaria as well. In Kenya everyday hundreds die of AIDS. 2 million are orphans here. 60 % is below povertyline . In South Africa 3 out of 9 have HIV virus. What 's our responsibility? I am looking for information that can be put on the Web, how we as christians can deal with the problem in a Biblical way. If you have any info, please send me a copy.
Last week a Baptismal service was held at Berario Chapel, young teenagers from Orange Farms, Walkers Fruit Farms and Henly on Klip was baptised. What an encouragement to see these young people baptised. I have had each of them take turns in preaching at Henley, and have been encouraged by the messages that they preached. Please pray for the various outreaches in the greater North Vaal area. (That is the area between Johannesburg and Vereenging\Van Der Bijl Park).
In His Precious Name
Rob Jones
( www.biblebeliever.co.za )
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